
Friday 1 July 2011

Tuesday 28 June 2011

moshling boshling

Just in case you missed it, Dr. Strangeglove's Glumps are STILL wreaking havoc in Monstro City. You might have noticed a Glump stealing cakes from the picnickers on Main Street... Click 'em to play the Moshling Boshling game!
I have a confession to make. I cannot stop playing this game! Use the catapult to sling Moshlings at the naughty Glumps and grab Glump Cakes along the way. 

You can earn a LOT of Rox playing this game. Then you'll be well on your way to taking out those Glumps for good. Yeehaw! How far have you gotten in the game? Comment on THIS blog and tell me, and a few of you will win a Random Rox prize!

Sunday 26 June 2011

Whats up with the blimp painting?

Roary Scrawl posted a new post: 

Horrods always keeps the Blimp Painting stocked, but who is that intrepid Monstro City explorer in the balloon?
Comment on THIS blog with the name of the blimp pilot and a short bio, and a few of the most creative ideas will get a Random Rox prize. Maybe the sky pilot lost their original wings somehow and constructed the balloon so they could still fly. Or maybe they're roaming the sky in search of a long lost birdie friend.
Keep your eyes at hand... 
To comment click Here

Create a collection

Hey monsters Roary Scrawl posted this:

Create a collection
Whether it's Cuddly Humans, Beanie Blobs, or Scare Bears, Monstro City has a collection for you. But I was thinkin'… Wouldn't it be cool to invent an all new collection?
What's the next hit collectible in Monstro City? Bootsy thinks we should collect Colossal Cutlery and Spookygirl is in favour of Crust Bunnies (like dust bunnies, only crustier). Comment on THIS blog with your wackiest ideas, and one lucky winner will have their idea made into an ACTUAL collection. Yippee!
Keep your eyes at hand... and on The Googenheim. There's an all new Art Challenge - to draw a Monstro City shopkeeper!
 To suggest your idea Click here

Awww what

Go to Tiger4681's room 

My membership on moshi monsters has expired... I will buy a new one soon! 

This was my colour when I was a member:
Top Tip for a membership: But 12 a month one. Best value!

Moshi Moshi Moshi!

Go to Tiger4681's room

Heres a cool video from Moshi monsters youtube account