
Tuesday 28 June 2011

moshling boshling

Just in case you missed it, Dr. Strangeglove's Glumps are STILL wreaking havoc in Monstro City. You might have noticed a Glump stealing cakes from the picnickers on Main Street... Click 'em to play the Moshling Boshling game!
I have a confession to make. I cannot stop playing this game! Use the catapult to sling Moshlings at the naughty Glumps and grab Glump Cakes along the way. 

You can earn a LOT of Rox playing this game. Then you'll be well on your way to taking out those Glumps for good. Yeehaw! How far have you gotten in the game? Comment on THIS blog and tell me, and a few of you will win a Random Rox prize!

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